Spread Happiness
A simple and secure way to send and receive money.

You can now make instant payments to banks and mobile money accounts.

You can easily fund your Edens360 wallet using your Debit card, whether it’s a Mastercard or Visa? It’s super convenient!
Easily fund your wallet
do more with edens360

With just a few clicks on Edens360 app, you can pay your bills without any hassle. Switch to a more convenient and efficient way of paying your bills.

You can easily request money on the go with the Edens360 app. All you need to do is create a unique link and voila! You’ll be all set to receive money hassle-free.

Edens Credit gives you access to salary advance, personal, and SME loans, with flexible repayment terms and competitive interest rates.

Send money internationally in a fast and secure way to bank accounts and mobile money wallets
Fastest way to send money internationally to bank accounts and mobile money wallets.